Welcome to:

Hams In Space!

In the past, Hams In Space was known as the team which provided Presentations and Demonstrations on working Amateur Radio Satellites. While we can still provide the presentations on Amateur Radio Satellites, we are evolving to providing presentations on various topics of Amateur Radio. Our aim is to provide a central location of presentations on various topics and presentors to Ham Radio Clubs and Organizations.

  1. * To view and download information about our flag ship satellite presentation and what it can provide your Club Meeting, Hamfest or Event, Click on Details.
    * To view a copy of our Satellite Presentation,
    Click on Deck.
    * To read short biographies on our Hams in Space Team Founders, Click on Team Bios.
    * To view Videos or hear Audio Clips on Amateur Radio Satellite Communicatios, Click on Sight and Sound.
    * For information on how to contact us for Information and Additional Detals about our Presentations, Click on Contact Us.



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